V E N D O R & B B S I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------------- This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, Online Services, Computer Clubs, User Groups, BBS Sysops, Information Services, Consultants, Businesses, Organizations and others who whish to distribute the subject software package. THE "DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS" IN THIS DOCUMENT EXPLAIN HOW THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE DISTRIBUTED, AND WHO MAY DISTRIBUTE IT. PROGRAM: -------- ZIPPIDY DO DA: Author: SMI Corporation (ASP); Registration $25.00 US VERSION: 1.41 REQUIREMENTS: Windows 3.1+ 2Mb RAM BBS FILE NAME: ZD141 APPROPRIATE CLASSIFICATIONS: Zipcodes, Areacodes, Postal, Contact LONG DISCRIPTION: Looks up zipcodes, cities, areacodes. Very visual user interface with context sensitive help. Supports reporting and custom reports via SQL queries. Even shows the time at a selected city vs. your local time. Very useful program. Installs even faster than before. ONE LINE DESCRIPTION: Looks up zipcodes, cities, areacodes. Displays timezone info. SMI Corporation P.O. Box 582221 Tulsa, OK 74158 USA Email: rluhman@bix.com PACKING LIST: ------------- The complete ZIPPIDY DO DA evaluation package should contain the following files. Please ensure that each file is present. If any of these files are missing or changed then the package is not complete and is not suitable for distribution by others. The complete package may be obtained directly from SMI Corporation. File Name: Purpose of File: VENDINFO.DIZ VENDINFO standard data file containing vital information for disk vendors, distributors, BBSs, user groups, computer clubs, etc. FILE_ID.DIZ BBS description file VENDOR.TXT Standard vendor/sysop info file READ_ME.1ST Late breaking information ORDER.TXT Order form ZIPDODA.EX_ The program ZIPDODA.HL_ The help file ZIPDODA.WR_ The manual ZIPAREA.MD_ The zipcodes VBRUN300.DL_ Visual Basic File VBDB300.DL_ Visual Basic File MSAES110.DL_ Database driver MSAJT112.DL_ Database driver MSAJT200.DL_ Database driver MSAFINX.DL_ Visual Basic File CMDIALOG.VB_ Visual Basic File THREED.VB_ Visual Basic File MSOUTLIN.VB_ Visual Basic File INSTALL.EXE Installation program INSTALL.BIN Installation file INSTALL.INF Installation file INSTALL.BMP Install/Uninstall file EDI3D.BIN Installation file UNINSTAL.EXE Uninstallation program UNINSTAL.BIN Uninstallation file UNINSTAL.INF Uninstallation file DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS ------------------------- Individuals who wish to distribute the software to friends or associates may do so in accordance with the requirements outlined in the "License" section of the program manual. Vendors, Distribuors, Computer Clubs, User Groups, BBS Sysops, and persons or organizations charging any kind of fee, wishing to add the software package to their disk library may do so ONLY in accordance with the requirements outlined in VENDINFO.DIZ. If VENDINFO.DIZ is damaged or missing, contact the author. PLEASE HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER: -------------------------------- We would appreciate copies of anything you publish regarding this software. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you print or distribute regarding the software package. Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the evaluation marketing concept. SMI Corporation P.O. Box 582221 Tulsa, OK 74158 Email: rluhman@bix.com ---END OF VENDOR.DOC--- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | See the VENDINFO.DIZ file for VENDOR and other product information | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+